Hormone Replacement Therapy



Do You Need Hormone / Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Do you suffer from Depression, Low Libido, or Erectile Dysfunction? Your testosterone levels could be to blame. In fact, an imbalance of the Testosterone Hormone in your body could contribute to a whole host of health problems, including serious conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Hormones play a crucial role in the functioning of every system in your body, so you want to make sure your hormones, including testosterone, are in good working order.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for a man’s health. While testosterone is most famously known as the Male Fertility Hormone.

It also has other important roles in a man’s development, including facial and body hair growth, an increase in muscular mass and strength, protects against degenerative bone and muscle diseases, increases metabolism, and boosts self-esteem.


In their early-to mid-30s, many men start to see a decline in testosterone, causing them to feel tired, sluggish, moody, and to experience brain fog, especially at work.

Other prominent symptoms of Low Testosterone (Low T) are:

  • Low Sex Drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction and
  • Stubborn Fat Gain Around the Midsection

Andropause, often called the “Male Menopause,” is a symptom of this drop in testosterone that many men write off as “just getting older.”

A lot of men do not realize that these symptoms can be significantly reduced or nearly eliminated through Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Get Your Energy, Motivation & Health Back For The Life!

It’s never too late to begin your journey in wellness! Start your wellness journey today with Apollo T Center. Together, we will bring out the best in you.

What Happens During Hormone Replacement Therapy?

At Apollo T Center, we always perform a preliminary blood screening when a new patient comes to us to get a sense of their testosterone level (T level). Additionally, we get a record of their age, medical history, and current symptoms. All these aspects help direct us towards an individualized treatment plan to help each of our patients find their perfect balance of testosterone.

We offer Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the form of Intramuscular (IM) Injections. Testosterone, like many hormones, cycles through highs and lows, peaking 2-4 days before it drops. Therefore, we give weekly injections to ensure you feel your best no matter what stage of the testosterone cycle you are at. Those undergoing testosterone injections report increased energy levels, a boosted sex drive, and enhanced memory and ability to focus, among many other benefits.

Testosterone Therapy is life-changing for those who need it, but it can also make men less fertile. We treat our younger patients, especially if they know they still want children, with the hormone HcG and with the medication Clomid; both are fertility drugs and they both stimulate the body to naturally create testosterone. This method helps younger men retain their fertility while naturally increasing their testosterone levels. If their T level is very low (under 150), we may treat them with low-dose testosterone for a few weeks before switching them to HcG treatment.


Experience the power of Total Wellness Therapy today.

How Long Does Each Session Last?

When you first come to our clinic, we do a thorough physical evaluation, including bloodwork, to get a full picture of your health and wellness needs and goals. This visit can last up to one hour. Subsequent visits usually take 10-15 minutes.

Are Women Treated for Hormone Therapy At Apollo T Center?

While we only treat male patients in our office, we can refer all female patients in search of testosterone therapy to our medical director, Dr. Heard.